Terry Fox Fundraiser 2024

Once again this year, Fr. Frederick McGinn CES will be fundraising for the Terry Fox Foundation. FFM has been a strong supporter of this worthy cause. Thanks to the generosity of the FFM community, over the past 16 years the lifetime FFM fundraising amount sits at an impressive $14 413! We have once again set a lofty goal of $1000 for this year’s fundraiser! Over the coming weeks, we are asking each student at FFM to bring in a “Toonie for Terry” OR use the link below to make an online donation through the school’s fundraising website. If you wish to make a larger donation, that of course would be welcomed.

Make an Online Donation to the Terry Fox Foundation

The staff and students of FFM will participate in a Terry Fox Walk/Run on Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 here at the school. Individual classes will make their way outdoors and participate in their own 20 minute walk to show their support for Terry. Students are asked to wear their favourite red and white outfits on this date as a symbol of our enthusiasm for this cause. With your help, Terry’s dream will live on and a cure for cancer will be found!